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Play and Audience

Theme: Play and Audience


Method: Trick Art (Hidden object in a tile image)



Trick Art (Dasshutsu Game DERO!)


A Japanese show feature a quiz call “Trick Art” where players have to look for a hidden object within a tile image within a limited time in order to escape the lock room.
For this example I would like bring in the mentality of creating artwork that is playful and engaging to audience. An art acting not just as a piece but as a game.


Creating my own trick art and see if anyone can guess what’s hidden in the image (Time limit is 10 second).



Throughout the making I come to release this is actually a colouring practice. In order to not easily reveal the hidden object, colours that are not as vibrant are used. Instead, anything that is not to do with the hidden object, I use strong colours to draw away people’s attention from it. Also, composition act as the same manner of not easily reveal the hidden object.


Audience reaction:

©2019 by Chi Lap Lau

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