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Play and Conclusion

Throughout the course, I’ve been trying to use play as a method to generate ideas for my comedy animation. As I progress through each weeks theme and iterations, my direction has shifted. By the end of the course, instead of generate comedy ideas, my approach went more towards in the area of playful art. Initially, I was fond by the idea of hiding elements from the scene to mislead audience to funny situation.  As I try to hide things in the scene (image or video), audience eventually want to look for things. This situation causes a playfulness like hide-and-seek. The practice allows me to play with different elements and techniques (e.g. randomness, color, editing etc.) to generate more playful outcomes. As a result, I would like to continue this direction to generate more different possible outcomes of playful art and see how the audience react to it.

©2019 by Chi Lap Lau

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