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Play and Place

Theme: Play and Place


Method: Video (morphing image)




My studio 3 project

Joan Cornellà



For this week I’m trying to represent places by certain zoomed in objects. The reason to this is I’m trying to create a transition from one thing to another creating a misleading for jokes or anything that could be interesting/funny and as the title I’m trying to figure out if this is possible for places or locations. As one of my project used the same technique to create funny misguide joke.



It is not as easy as I would think, though overall the idea is viable but the object probably will have to be in a similar shape or size to the target environment in order to create a better sense of the morph. As this work is more of an experiment piece I didn’t go too far to the details. Somehow, I felt that this could be turn out into a guessing game of location if the object image is treated similarly to the target location.

©2019 by Chi Lap Lau

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