Animation adaptation is a continuous evolving practise. Although technology may affect the way how animation adapted from manga, the general idea of directorial decision made by directors can be categorized from the above examples and hence it is crucial in how they perceive the manga and translate them into animation.
Throughout the research we can see that whether the animation was a fully adapted or not, this does not affect whether it will become a successful animation or not. What is important is how the animation was translated from the manga and how the animation is presented as a stand-alone piece. This is determined by how the art style adapted from the manga, do they portray the manga faithfully, is it consistent (regarding the quality of the animation and art style) throughout the production; In terms of timing, what are the treatments for single manga panels and how do they translate it into animation. How would they layout the timing and sequences for the episode to make the storytelling to be whether it is intense, mystery, funny or interesting; What colour or tone that were used, whether it was appropriate or acting as a style or even as an indication to guide audience by drawing their attention to certain positions of the scene; How did the voice actor perform for the character, were sound/sound effect/music implemented properly. All these elements are taken into consider when making a successful adaptation of animation through manga.
©2019 by Chi Lap Lau