Many of the beloved animations that have emerged from Japan are adaptations of manga. Adaptations are scattered in the history of anime and have accrued new meaning over time and it does not now consist of a simple process of two discrete media transitioning into one another but instead of a playful process involving diverse forms (Cavallaro, 2010). As an example, below I discuss the animation Nichijou, a serialized animation and adaptation from its manga written and illustrated by Keiichi Arawi. When we compare the scene from the manga (chapter 103 & 104) and anime (episode 25), showing one of the characters of the series – Mio, despairingly running.
Although the animation is originated from its manga, there are certain aspects that are different from one and other. Obvious differences would be colour and sound, however, additional scenes and timing, yet how were they determine to the final product of what we have seen on the screen? In the process of making animation, generally, we will consider about storyboard, animatic, camera settings, colour and style etc. When it comes to create animation through manga, what are the aspects do we consider? As Japanese manga and animation become more popular and globalized, 40% of the Japanese animations were adaptations from manga (Crunchyroll, 2019). Instead of using the old cello technique to produce animation which acquires high accuracy in colouring and time consuming in the production process (YouTube & Toei Animation, 2019). Digitalize of making animation speeds up the process in terms of colouring and the animating process (YouTube & Choo, 2019). With the advantage of technology, directors are able to deliver animation from capturing the manga more accurately. They are able to portray moments of key scenes from the manga through animation. For example the anime of ONE PUNCH MAN, produced by Madhouse Studio, in episode 5 where Saitama, the main protagonist of the story fought with Genos, Saitama’s student, the scenes from the animation were captured faithfully to its manga (YouTube & GameSpot Universe, 2019). While not all adaptations are successful, the purpose of this research is to look into all of these different aspects of having an animation that is based from manga and how did they adapt it. From the findings, we may discover new terms or rules to generalize the elements, techniques and features which may provide us new approaches in the makings of animation.
©2019 by Chi Lap Lau